ListPlex Feature Checklist

Service and Technical Support

The ListPlex email list hosting service provides high performance and flexibility to meet your current and future needs. Our professional technical support services are always available for help and advice to keep your email lists running smoothly.

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Individual Domain Name Yes No
Technical Support Yes Yes
Relocation Flexibility Yes No
Virtual Private Network Yes1 No
Custom Update Schedule Yes1 No
Custom Software Installation Yes1 No
Custom Script Development Yes1 No

1 With ListPlex Dedicated. Additional charges apply.

List Management and Archives

The web interface and automated email list, subscriber and bounce management save you time and make list administration a breeze. Searchable list archives are easily accessible and available in multiple viewing modes depending on the purpose of your list.

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Web Interface Yes Yes
Support for All List Types Yes Yes
Flexible List Security Options Yes Yes
Moderation Sharing Yes Yes
Searchable List Archives Yes Yes
RSS Support Yes Yes
Automatic Subscription Handling Yes Yes
Multiple Subscription Modes Yes Yes
Double Opt-In Support Yes Yes
Automatic Bounce Handling Yes Yes
Customizable Mail Templates Yes Yes
Content Filter Yes Yes
Attachment Filter Yes Yes
Topics Yes Yes
Superlists and Sublists Yes Yes

Configuration and Reports

Easy configuration and comprehensive reports on list activity keep you in full control of your email lists at all times. Full user interface customization is available to support your brand and graphic profile, adding familiarity and trust for your subscribers.

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List Owner Dashboard Yes Yes
List Administration Wizard Yes Yes
List Reports Yes Yes
Subscriber Activity Reports Yes Yes
Customization Interface Yes Yes*
GDPR Reporting Tool Yes Yes

* Limited in EASE

Content Development

The newsletter library and builder make it simple to create customized and branded HTML newsletters without any coding. The fully responsive message templates adjust to screens of any size, providing a smooth and enjoyable reader experience.

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Message Posting Interface Yes Yes
HTML Newsletter Library Yes Yes
HTML Newsletter Builder Yes Yes
Message Scheduling Yes Yes
Message Testing Yes Yes
Easy Compliance with Anti-Spam Regulations Yes Yes

Deliverability and Security

The cutting-edge deliverability and authentication features of ListPlex ensure that your messages reach their destinations, and the built-in virus and spam filters keep your lists and subscribers secure.

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Full Server Redundancy Yes No
Integrated Virus Protection Yes Yes
DKIM Support Yes Yes
DMARC Compatibility Yes Yes
Built-In Blacklist/Whitelist Yes Yes
Spam Feedback Loops Yes Yes
Access Restriction by IP Address Yes No

L-Soft Sales

L-Soft Sales


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Service Pricing Technical Support Renewal Details
Dedicated Service Emergency Notification
ListPlex Demo Request Information

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